Tomorrow—January 20, the day of a nationwide mobilization against the inauguration of Donald Trump—we will be updating this site nonstop, providing firsthand reports and anarchist analysis of the events in DC and other cities around the US and the world.
Tune in to crimethinc.com/live to follow along with our coverage. Starting at 8 am Eastern Standard Time, we will be publishing early and often all day long.
We welcome field reports, footage, and updates. Send them to us at J20@crimethinc.com —we’ll sift through them, fact-check them, and blast them out into the world.
We will have access to battles and perspectives that CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and Breitbart can’t and won’t. We won’t be cutting to commercial breaks, paying the bills with product placement, or filling dead air by looping the same video over and over while talking heads fill your ears with mush. Our goals are to equip you with all the information you need to take timely action of your own and to respond immediately to the falsehoods propagated by corporate and far-right media.
This will be a first for us—an experiment. We have a couple decades of experience building networks, fighting in the streets and in hearts and minds, and offering in-depth narratives and analysis after the fact. But we have never attempted to do battle with real-time 24-hour news networks and publish in the present tense. On J20, we will take a chance at a new format. We’ll take the next chance, and the next, until we win, or the chances are spent.
Good luck out there, everyone.